If you are thinking of getting your bridesmaids t shirts for gifts, there is a better idea, bridesmaid robes. Bridesmaid robes is the perfect gift to your bridesmaids because they can wear that during the wedding day while getting ready for your wedding. A t shirt will not do since it will mess up their hair and makeup. At the same time bridesmaid robes is something they can use after the wedding. The bridal robes do not only complement their wedding gown, it is also something very practical which they will surely appreciate.
Now the good thing about wedding robes is that you can have as much fun as choosing them than other gifts. You can for example choose to give embroidered robes which make it more personal. You can also choose the type of fabric to use, not to mention the color and the style. In other words, you can have a design that matches their wedding gown. Your bridesmaids will surely love the robes when they see them.
Now, if you are tight on the budget, that is not a problem. There are many bridesmaid robes that are really very affordable. Some costs as much as personalized t shirts or accessories. There are many online stores that offer them. You can even find a store that will allow you to use your own design and choice of fabric. You might also want to visit the local mall since some stores offer them at very low price. Some even offer them at discounts. Or you can pick ordinary robes and have them personalized, such as by embroidery. This is cheaper compared to other giveaways.