You have spent your entire life dreaming and planning about your wedding, so it is only appropriate that you go out with a bang! And the best way to do it is through using wedding sparklers! Sparklers for weddings are the perfect send off for the lovely couple, but they can pose a risk that can turn problematic if not planned out. So in order for there to be no chaotic events happening at the tail end of your wedding, it is important to abide by these simple safety rules.
1. Put someone in charge
This is especially important if you have children at your wedding. Designate someone in charge to hand out the long sparklers to the guests, as you don’t want them getting in the hands of young children. Have that person remind everyone to handle them responsibly, and not to place them anywhere near the ground or any flammable surfaces.
2. Be smart about lighting the sparklers
Different length sparklers have different lighting methods. Long sparklers like 36 inch sparklers are better if lit from another sparkler, but shorter 10 inch sparklers typically can be lit by an open flame. When you are starting the process of lighting the sparklers, make sure to have everyone spread out, then have a few designated people light the others with the proper source.
3. Go slowly
Fast, abrupt movements can cause the sparkler to go out and the results can be smoky. Advise your guests to use slow, steady motions when waving them to produce the best results. Also, make sure that the guests are watching their surroundings as they should never run or jump when holding the lit wedding sparklers.
4. Dispose properly
The last thing you want is an erratic spark from a sparkler cause chaos. In order to prevent this, keep a few buckets of sand around to dunk in the sparklers when the guests are done with them. The sparklers should never go into a trash bag, unless being thoroughly wet down first.
With these tips in mind, you will be all set to enjoy your wedding! Just remember, safety first and fun after!