The internet is and has been for many years becoming ubiquitous. The vast majority of the world’s population is in some way connected with the web, whether it be via PC, cell phone, tablet or any other device that is able to connect with the network. Unfortunately, that means there are also plenty of less than savory individuals out there that both will and have found ways to play the system to their advantage through illegal means. Because of this, your safety online will be of the utmost importance to ensure that you are not a victim of a scam or hacking. So you may be asking, is online shopping safe?
To be blunt, yes, it is. There is every reason in the world to shop on the world wide web. Online shopping is quick, convenient, very easy to do and the selection of items from around the world is absolutely mind boggling. Generally, this practice is about as secure as it can get with all of the various electronic safety nets and firewalls that are put in place by retailers. That being said, there are still a number of thieves out there who will nevertheless attempt to steal your items and hard earned money. These attacks can occur during a process that is known as phishing. Essentially, scammers will try to swindle your credit card or bank information by posing as a legitimate site or even a bank. However, using some common sense and basic safety advice will help to reduce online shopping risks.
First and foremost, never give your credit card information to anybody. If somebody asks for credit card information over email especially, that is a huge red flag. Always use familiar sites. If the site looks old, poorly built and doesn’t use SSL encryption, do not shop there. You can tell a site uses SSL because it will start with HTTPS instead of just HTTP and you will see an icon of a padlock. No online store ever needs your social security number, so never give that. Avoid shopping on public terminals such as at the library, as they may not be secure. Following these basic steps will help to ensure your safety online and safe online shopping.